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Questions and Answers
Useful Information
Are you looking for additional information about Arts International? Here you’ll find a list of our most common questions.
If you can’t find the answer you’re looking for, let us know and we’ll get back to you shortly.
Do I need previous experience?
No previous experience is necessary. We offer a wide range of classes from beginner to professional.
What do I need to bring?
For placement classes:
Dance - leotard, tights, and appropriate dance shoes for each discipline.
Karate - if you don't have an appropriate Gi uniform come dressed in sweatpants and a tucked in shirt.
Musical Theater - clothing you can move in and dance shoes if you have them.
We do require AI uniforms for each area of discipline once you register.
How many students are in each class?
Most classes run between 12 to 16 students.
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